Yoga is a State, Not an Action
These days yoga has become so hip and catchy, which is great in a lot of ways, and in other ways, may not be. What is yoga then? Yoga literally means Union. And union with what, do you say? Yes, a power greater than us, that is all around us, resides within us, and is us.
“It comes down to how we show up, through our physical and mental being, to meet the spiritual. ”
The movements and postures that we do, or asana, is the means in which we practice to reach yoga. The best part of this is that it no longer matters how high we can lift our legs, how still we can sit, or how many classes we attend a week. It comes down to how we show up, through our physical and mental being, to meet the spiritual. And it is through connection with the spiritual that we find purpose, validation, and inspiration.
So that being said, if our minds and bodies are not in a healthy, well-functioning state, we will not be able serve our purpose on this Earth with as much ease. For example, the energy to meditate, the strength to share and serve the world with our talents (seva), the joy to praise the Divine (bhakti), the focus to study our spiritual and sacred texts (jnana), will not be a blessing, but more a burden. This is why the physical and mental practices of asana and meditation are so important, and why self-care is so important. So by all means, go to the classes, sit for days, lift legs past the ears, get massages, cook amazing food, AND, remember why. Why are we doing this.