Learn along with me as I expand my knowledge about Ayurveda, massage, the incredible human body, and whatever else strikes my fancy.
Feel free to leave questions in a comment or email me directly at - I’m always looking to connect with new perspectives and curious minds.
“I want to talk about cleansing, but I think it’s important to understand why there is a need to cleanse in the first place. You’ve probably heard…”
“Oh how I celebrate when I see your figure turn onto the drive, still far off, but no longer out of sight. How long I have anticipated your return, for this is the year I…”
“All this buzz about Immune Systems recently, but what does that even mean and how does it help me? Well…
As one of the five senses, touch is a powerful tool to access the body and all of it’s systems, and therefore the mind, and spirit. It is a basic human need, and one that I feel...
These days yoga has become so hip and catchy, which is great in a lot of ways, and in other ways, may not be. What is yoga then? Yoga literally means…
With it’s growing popularity in the West, you may or may not have heard the term Ayurveda. Or maybe you have heard someone say three seemingly odd words…